
Batch jobs – Group change

While running a ‘Data load’ job, the system will detect changes to groups. An issue could occur, if an account’s group is changed, and it is the last account for that group, and if the group has ‘group’ notes, etc, these notes would become orphaned, because the group doesn’t exist…

Batch jobs – Data load

Path: Administration-> Job monitor A ‘Data load’ job is created by submitting a ‘Data load’, to load data into the Kuhlekt system (ref Data load above). Data load jobs can be scheduled to run automatically. The .csv files can be automatically FTP’d to the Kuhlekt server, the scheduled job then…

Batch jobs

Path: Administration-> Job monitor Batch jobs are used to run processes in the background. The ‘Job monitor’ in the administration menu shows the batch jobs. Clicking on a batch job will show the job details. Jobs will run sequentially and only 1 job can run at a time in a…

Tables – Exporting

The tables also allow you to export the rows to a .csv file. The .csv file can then be loaded into a spreadsheet for further processing, printing, etc.

Tables – Combination of functions

You can combine sorting, categorisation and searching to perform complex operations. As an example, using the Aged trial balance; you could say search were the total is greater than 1,000.00, then categorise by group, then sort descending by total. At any stage you can click ‘Clear’, which will reset the…

Tables – Searching

Click on ‘search’ to invoke the search system.  A search field will then appear below the heading of each column. You use this field to enter example search criteria, and the click search again, which will return rows matching the search. The icon to the right hand side of the…

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