
Payment Processing

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Kuhlekt Order to Cash

Payment Processing

Best Working Capital Management SaaS company 2023

In our comprehensive payment solutions framework, we prioritize security, flexibility, and user convenience.

The Kuhlekt system goes beyond traditional payment processing by offering PCI-compliant card data retention, proactive notifications to card owners about expiring cards, seamless management of ad-hoc payments,  scheduled payments via direct debits, and ACH transactions.

Users can engage in self-service actions, including one-time payments or registering cards for future transactions. 

PCI-Compliant Card Data Retention:

Security is paramount, and our payment solution ensures PCI compliance in card data retention. The system securely stores card information, meeting industry standards for protecting sensitive information. This not only enhances security but also streamlines the payment process for users who opt for repeated transactions.

Proactive Card Expiry Notifications:

To facilitate smooth transactions, our system sends proactive notifications to card owners about impending card expirations. This feature helps users stay ahead of potential issues, prompting them to update their card information before it becomes a hindrance to future transactions.

Flexible Payment Options:

Our solution supports diverse payment methods, including ad-hoc payments, direct debits, and ACH transactions. Users can choose the method that best suits their preferences or business requirements, ensuring flexibility in managing financial transactions.

Self-Service Capabilities:

Empowering users with self-service options is a key feature. Whether users prefer one-time payments or wish to register their cards for recurring transactions, the system accommodates both, offering a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Payment Retrials and Automatic Suspension:

In cases of payment failure, our system initiates automatic retrials on a number of set nights, optimizing the chances of successful transactions. After a predefined number of failed attempts, the system intelligently marks the payment and account as suspended. This automated process helps prevent undue disruptions while maintaining user security.

Reporting and Audit Logs:

Our payment solution also prioritizes robust reporting and audit capabilities. Generate detailed reports on transaction histories, failed payments, and user activities. Audit logs capture every interaction within the system, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and providing a transparent record for internal reviews. This feature adds an extra layer of accountability and aids in troubleshooting and analysis.

Activity Workflow and Detailed Notes:

The system provides a comprehensive activity workflow that captures every step of the payment process. In case of retrials, suspensions, or any other significant event, detailed notes are added to the workflow.

This ensures transparency, accountability, and facilitates efficient issue resolution by providing a clear history of payment activities.

