
Data Load – Performing a data load.

To start the upload process. Select the region(s) to be Select the Data load type – ‘Account’ or ‘Open item’. Select the Mapping – ‘Column headings define field names’, or a custom For ‘Open item’ data load, select the ‘History date’. Select the file to be uploaded by clicking on…

Data Load – Data formats

  The data can be ‘Column headings define field names’ format or a ‘custom mapping’ format. Custom headings define field names. The data needs to be formatted as follows. The first row is a column heading row, which determines which fields are being uploaded The first column heading must be…

Data Load – Open items data load

The ‘open item’ data load is used to load ‘open item’ data, from the backend ERP system. After every ‘Open item’ data load, the system creates a ‘snapshot’ of the account balances as a history record, given by the ‘History date’. If for example you are loading yesterday’s data in…

Data Load – Account data load

The account data load is used to load account data, typically from the backend ERP system, containing data such as account number, account name, email address, postal address, etc. The account data load also allows you to load certain other account data into Kuhlekt, which is not loaded via the…

Data load

The data load is used to upload ‘account’ and ‘open item’ data into Kuhlekt. Both ‘Collector managers’ and ‘Administrators’ can perform data loads. The data needs to be in a ‘flat file .csv’ format.

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