Navigate to the Dashboard at Communications-> Dunning->Dunning Setup->Dunning You setup dunning procedures for each region. You then allocate a dunning procedure to an account Dunning – Setup – Account Each procedure has the following fields. Region Region Procedure Procedure name Description Procedure description, reference only Grace period Additional…
Each procedure has a few levels. The key to the level is the days in arrears. At each level you specify what action you want to take. The procedure level has the follow fields. Days in arrears The days in arears for an open item to qualify for this…
The dunning system looks at each account, one at a time, starting from the highest balance and working down. For each account, the system determines if the account qualifies to go to the next dunning level. It does this by looking at the account’s dunning setup, the dunning procedure, the…
The fields are maintained in the account’s dunning setup (refer also to the user guide for more details). Exclude from dunning Set to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Procedure Select the dunning procedure to use Dunning group Enter a dunning group Auto approval If set to “Yes”, dunning records will be automatically…