
Bulk Activities

Bulk Communications can be created through either SMS, Email, Bulk notes or Bulk Phone Calls to blast out to a customer range or account. Create new activities from the dashboard and select parameters to meet your requirements from the parameters available and the applicable criteria. Review the account result listing…

Dunning – How it works

For each account in the dunning batch, firstly the system determines if the account qualifies for the next dunning level. It does this by a process of elimination. An account will not qualify for the next level of dunning if any of the following are true. The batch process date…

Dunning – Account details

This shows the dunning setup for each account for the region. It shows if the account has been setup for dunning, and the SMS, Email and Post details, and will show an error if the details are not correct. This is handy to verify the accounts setups prior to creating…

Dunning – Records

Dunning records show all the dunning records for all batches for the region. You can click on the account number or name, which will take you to the account’s dunning section, where you can see all the dunning records for the account. You can click on the attachment icon to…

Dunning – Dashboard

The dunning dashboard shows the dunning batches for the region. Each line of the dashboard represents a dunning batch, showing the number of records in the batch, the approval, and the type. You can drill down on a particular batch by clicking on the batch number.

Dunning – Automation

Kuhlekt can set up dunning to run of specific days, the batch job will complete as per the manual operation but when finished the batch is immediately closed and processed for email distribution. It is required that the accounts under automation are set to Automatic Approval in the account dunning…