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Batch jobs – Group change
PostedOctober 2, 2024
UpdatedFebruary 5, 2025
While running a ‘Data load’ job, the system will detect changes to groups. An issue could occur, if an account’s group is changed, and it is the last account for that group, and if the group has ‘group’ notes, etc, these notes would become orphaned, because the group doesn’t exist for any account any more.
If the ‘Data load’ job detects that a group change is the last account for that group, it will create a ‘Group change’ job.
The ‘Group change’ job will look at all the group Phone calls, Notes, PTPs, Legal notes, Legal appointments & Contacts, and change their group to the new group.
Warning Large numbers of group changes may result in the jobs being suspended as a precaution in case of an error as it cannot be reversed.
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