
Accounts – Timeline – Escalate Phone/Notes/PTPs

Path: Account->Open Items->Timeline You can ‘Escalate’ a Phone/Note/PTP item, whereby you can assign it to a different user. The item will then be assigned to that user, and will appear on their dashboard and to-do lists, and not on yours. While in create or edit mode, the ‘Escalate’ button appears.…

Accounts – Timeline – Phone/Notes/PTPs

Path: Account->Open Items->Timeline A Phone/Note/PTP item has a ‘Status’ of either ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’. By leaving an item ‘Open’, it will stay on your ‘To-do’ lists, which means that you will not forget to follow it up. A Phone/Note/PTP item has a ‘Type’ of either ‘Account’ or ‘Group’. An ‘Account’…

Accounts – Timeline

Path: Account->Open Items->Timeline The timeline records all activities in both the Kuhlekt platform and the client portal. The filters at left, under the heading provide to select a single activity to focus on, and to have open items only or see all activities. This section is a combined list of…

Accounts – Payments – Scheduled payments – Cancel

Path: Account->Open Items->Payments-Payment required To cancel a scheduled payment, navigate to the payment page and locate the scheduled payment via the status column, select scheduled and on the payment detail page select Edit and change the status from scheduled to “cancelled”.

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