
Accounts – Payments – PCI data

Path: Account->Open Items->Payments   Within the open items is the payments options, if a client has completed a mandate for a payment processor connected with Kuhlekt the PCI compliant data of Cards last 4 digits and expiry date Bank Account Name and Source number. Card details are updated through using…

Accounts – Copy Invoices

Path: Account->Copy Invoices If available a download symbol at the left of the open item when clicked will retrieve the copy invoice for you. You can also send via an email copies of open or closed invoices (if available) and also a current statement for the account.

Accounts – Open Items

Path: Account->Open Items, Payments on hold The ‘Open Items’ are brought in from the ERP system on a regular basis, These indicate 2 different aspects of an accounts status with you, 1 if an account has been set to direct debit (ACH) etc.. Kuhlekt attempt 3 times for failures after…

Accounts – Contacts – Portal user reset

Path: Account->details->contacts To reset the client portal credentials of a portal user, change the “Access customer portal” to “N” then “Update” then reenter the contact and change the field to “Yes”. New credentials will automatically be sent.

Accounts – Contacts

Path: Account->details->contacts This part shows the contacts for the account. Contacts are used to store contact information for the account. You can click on the ‘First’ or ‘Last’ name of a contact to view the contact details. Depending on your ‘Account’ permissions, you can create, edit or delete contacts. A…

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