
Region – Suggested weighting multipliers

The suggested score is controlled by the ‘Suggested weighting multipliers” A suggested score is calculated for all accounts that are not on any other ‘to-do’ list. The ‘To-do Suggested’ is a list of accounts, with the highest scoring accounts at the top. By doing this, it gives the collectors a…

Region – Provisioning

The provisioning is controlled by 2 fields; ‘Provisioning required’, and ‘Provisioning threshold’. Please refer to section ‘How provisioning works. The keywords use for provisioning are setup in this section.

Region – Daily news

The ‘Daily news’ is used to display news on the user’s dashboard when the region is selected. If there is no data in this field, then the news section of the dashboard is omitted.

Region – Details

Region is the name of the region. Once a region has been created, the region name cannot be changed. Description is a description of the region Location is a location of the region

Regions – Setup

Regions need to be created for each region in the Aged Trial Balances that will be uploaded. The regions form an integral part of the security and use of the system. Only an administrator can create new regions. Both ‘Administrators’ and ‘Collector managers can edit regions.

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