Accounts Dunning
Accounts –Dunning
Path: Account->Communications->Dunning
The first part of the dunning section shows the account’s dunning details. From here you can edit the details.
Exclude from dunning: Set to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, to determine if the account is excluded from dunning.
Procedure: Select the dunning procedure to be used for the account. You can click on the procedure to see the procedure details and the levels.
Dunning group: This is used for grouping accounts for a dunning batch.
Auto approval: If set to ‘Yes’, the dunning records are automatically approved. Otherwise the dunning records are set to ‘Pending’, and require approval via the to-dos.
To-do type: This applies to the ‘To-do’ actions. It can be set to ‘Account’, or ‘Group’, which sets the type of the To-do items. If it is set to ‘Group’, it will only create one to-do for all accounts in the same group.
SMS: Is where you setup the SMS details. The ‘Allow SMS’ lets you specify if you want to allow SMS to this account. If you select ‘Yes’, you can the specify an SMS number selecting;
Use the SMS from a selected contact, or Specify an SMS
Email: Is where you setup the email details. The ‘Allow email’ lets you specify if you want to allow email to this account. If you select ‘Yes’, you can the specify an email selecting;
Use the company email, or
Use the email from a selected contact, or Specify an email
Post: Is where you setup the post details. The ‘Allow post’ lets you specify if you want to allow post to this account. If you select ‘Yes’, you can the specify a postal address selecting;
Use the company address, or Specify an address
NB: The ‘Allow’ concept is needed, because you may not know at this stage what dunning procedure will be allocated to the account, nor whether the procedure level will require an SMS (for example). By using ‘Allow’ it will use SMS (for example) if the case arises. Likewise for email and post.
The lower part of the dunning section shows a list of the dunning records for the account. You can Approve/Void a pending dunning record directly from the list.
You can see the details of an action;
For SMS, hover over the action to see the text of the SMS
For email & post, you can click on the attachment icon to see the .pdf For To-do’s, click on the link to go to the To-do