Accounts Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – forward
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – Status receipts
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails - Phone, Note & PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Escalate Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – receipts
- Accounts – Timeline – Export
Accounts – Timeline
Path: Account->Open Items->Timeline
The timeline records all activities in both the Kuhlekt platform and the client portal.
The filters at left, under the heading provide to select a single activity to focus on, and to have open items only or see all activities.
This section is a combined list of Phone calls, Notes, PTPs, Emails and SMS for the account.
Phone calls are used to store details about a phone call, i.e., “Called on Monday, left message”.
Notes are used to store general notes, things like, making a note of things to do. i.e., “Remember to send revised statement at the end of the month”.
Promise To Pays (PTPs), are used to make a record of a promise from a customer to pay an amount by a date, i.e.; “Promised to pay $1000 by Monday”.
Emails can be created and sent to a customer directly from within Kuhlekt. The system also accepts inbound emails from customers. Emails can also be created from a Phone call, Note or PTP. Emails can be forwarded to alternate email addresses.
SMSs can be created and sent to a customer directly from within Kuhlekt. The system also accepts inbound SMSs from customers.
You can click on the ‘Title’ of an item to view the details.
Depending on your ‘Data permissions’, you can create, edit or delete an item. An item can also store files as attachments.