Accounts Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – forward
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – Status receipts
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails - Phone, Note & PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Escalate Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – receipts
- Accounts – Timeline – Export
Accounts – Timeline – Emails – Phone, Note & PTP
Path: Account->Open Items->Timeline
Sending activities, include Statement and any open invoices on file as PDF. Activities have different functions, but with all you can email the activity as a follow up to your contact, below is an image of the email and some aspects to consider when drafting your email. When drafting you can have up to 100 characters in the field and email address are separated by a comma, same conditions for the CC line. The system will maintain a list of recipients, and these are available by using the drop down on the right, also available will be any email addresses from contacts. A subject entry is required for the email to be sent. |
Choose Kali to create your email through AI prompts.
Choose from a template to complete your email or SMS.
Your auto signature should be setup in your profile, the box beside your name top right of screen will take you to the profile to edit.
Tick to add to the email a statement PDF of the statement at that point of time, a copy of the statement is stored in the Timeline and also in the statement Tab.
If Kuhlekt is storing copies of the invoices any available will be listed here for selection, these will also be added to the email in their PDF format.