
Accounts – Details

Path: Account->details The Account Details   Now we start looking at the accounts and processes which affect accounts during the course of your role. As we previously mentioned we have 2 menus the system menu at the top and the account menu lower down.  Here we refer to tabs as…

Accounts – Graphs

Path: Account->details This part shows the graphs. You can select to view a ‘Balance’, a ‘Sales’, or a ‘DSO’ graph. If the account is part of a group, the graph can display data for only the ‘Account’ of for all the accounts in the ‘Group’. The ‘Balance’ data is created…

Accounts – Aged balances

Path: Account->details This part shows the ‘Aged balances’ for the account. If the account is part of a group, then the total ‘Aged balances’ are shown for the group, along with a count of how many accounts are in the group. You can click on ‘Group’ to see all the…


There are 6 ‘To-do’ lists under the ‘To-do’ menu. Suggested Activities Provisioning Dunning pending Legal notes Unread email and SMS Actioning To-Do lists is at the heart of the system and the way to drive results.  If all open activities are completed on their due date and should you finish…

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